HÄÄLETA Growing Gastronautide poolt! Who is the best LEADER transnational cooperation project in Nordic-Baltic region?
Saarte- ja Hiidlaste Koostöökogu esitas projekti Growing Gastronauts rahvusvahelisele konkursile ning pääses projektikonkursi finaali, mille võitjate väljakuulutamine toimub 26.09.13 Tallinnas.
- Kuni 06.09 saab hääletada “Rahvalemmikut” st. projekti, mis Sulle endale kõige rohkem meeldib.MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK:Milline on Sinu meelest parim rahvusvaheline koostööprojekt? Rahva Lemmiku hääletus on avatud! https://www.maainfo.ee/index.php?article_id=3292&page=3452&action=article&
Link, kus hääletada:https://www.maainfo.ee/index.php?page=3645
Who is the best LEADER transnational cooperation project in Nordic-Baltic region?
Vote for Growing Gastronauts to win!
Here are 21 finalist projects in alphabetical order. Before voting please read section FINALISTS or look information in DATABASE.
Voting will be open until 10th September 2013
Everybody can vote only once!
The Nordic-Baltic Leader Cooperation Award is initiated by The Nordic-Baltic Regions Rural Network Support Units - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The finalists of the five categories were chosen out of 60 nominees in Roskilde, Denmark on the 6th June 2013. The evaluation committee included the representatives of Estonia, Lithuanian, Latvia, Swedish, Finnish and Danish rural network.
Project Growing Gastronauts is the Finalist in the category of Local Recourses and Environment. Partners are from France, United Kingdom and Estonia; Leade partner is from France - LAG Pays Vallée du Loir.