Munadepühad Kärla ja Lümanda koolis!
Kärla ja Lümanda koolis toimus pühade eel toiduvalmistamise õpituba " English in the kitchen- Easter". Ehk siis valmistasime inglisepäraseid toitusid ja rääkisime sealsetest pühade kommetest ja tavadest. Töötoas valmistatut jagasime hiljem koolikaaslastega.
Töötuba juhendas Martha Hubbart.
Täna tegime me süüa koos välismaa õpetajaga, kes rääkis meiega vaid inglise keeles.Tegime kooki, mida tehakse Inglismaal lihavõtte ajal. Meid jagati nelja gruppi. Minu grupis oli Joonas, Ethan, Gabriela. Me pidime vahukoort vahustama. Koogi sisse panime me veel mandariini, pähkleid, banaani, riivitud šokolaadi, vaarikaid ja mustsõstraid ja muid puuvilju.Teine grupp tegi taina, mille panime koogi põhjaks. Kui me olime peaaegu lõpetanud, küsisime me ta käest mitmesuguseid küsimusi, ja tema küsis meie käest ta ka.
Me saime igaüks paar koogitükikest, need olid väga maitsvad. Terve kool sai meie valmistatud kooke degusteerida.
Tänasel kokkamisel me õppisime inglise keelt ka. Selliseid üritusi võiks ikka olla rohkem . See meeldis mulle väga.
Karl-Erik Tänav
A Variety of Trifles
Trifles are traditionallymade in a large deep bowl so you can see all the layers. Many Trifle recipes exist and there are very definite opinions as to what should be used in a Trifle – or not.
The basic Trifle is made this way
- Start with a layer of cake cut into long triangles on the bottom of a clear glass bowl.
- Wet the cake with spirits (brandy, sherry or rum) or fruit juice or coffee
- Next a layer of fruit or jam. Tinned fruit, like peaches or fruit cocktail, or frozen berries works very well in Trifles
- Follow this with freshly made custard (Vanilla sauce)
- Top this with whipped cream, and decorate.
Proper English Custard
½ litre double cream (vähu koor)
1 litre fresh milk
1 pkg vanilla sugar
10 large egg yolks
240 g sugar
3 tablsp. corn starch (tarklis).
Make the custard
Put the cream into a saucepan, add the spices and bring the milk slowly to the boil. As soon as the milk approaches the boil, but before it actually starts to rise up the sides of the pan, turn off the heat.
Meanwhile beat the egg yolks with the sugar and corn starch till pale, thick and creamy. Remove the solid spices from the milk (rinse and use again), then pour the milk onto the creamed eggs and sugar and beat gently to mix. Rinse the saucepan and dry it then return the custard to the pan.
Stir the custard over a gentle heat until it starts to thicken. I don't honestly think you can do anything else at the same time, if you fail to concentrate or allow the mixture to get too hot, it will curdle. As the custard starts to feel heavy on the spoon, remove it from the heat, and leave to cool. Covered with a piece of cling film pressed gently onto its surface. (I put some cold water in the sink, and put the saucepan of custard in it as soon I take it off the heat, then stir regularly as it cools. That way it doesn't curdle.)
Basic Yellow Cake Recipe
- 950g cake flour
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 480g butter, softened
- 250 g sugar
- 6 large eggs, room temperature
- 1pkg vanilla sugar
- 600 ml milk
Line 2 shallow baking trays with baking paper
Heat ovens to C 180
In a bowl using a fork, combine flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and salt.
Beat butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs, one at a time, mixing each until completely combined.
Slowly add flour alternately with milk. At end of addition batter should be smooth.
Pour into prepared pan and spread out evenly as thin as possible.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Cool 5 minutes in pan, then invert onto a rack and cool completely before using.
Ingredients for 4 Trifles
Equipment |
Apple or other fruit juice, or coffee 1 ½ litre vahu koor 2 litres fresh milk 1 kilo white flour 20 eggs 500g butter Baking powder salt 1 ½ sugar 3 pkgs vanilla sugar Corn or potato starch (tarklis)
Fruits – a selection from: Tinned peaches or fruit cocktail, fresh ripe bananas, frozen thawed berries, dried fruits that we can soften in hot water, fruit jam
We want to make 3 different flavours of trifle, so different fruits for each one - hopefully.
For decorating the tops. More fruit, like kiwi’s, sliced oranges or mandarins, chocolate for grating, coloured sprinkles, chopped nuts. Each team should have enough to chose from to make an original design.
4 Clear glass bowls Small knives Wooden spoons Grater for the chocolate 1 large to Medium saucepan – for the custard Electric beaters – to whip the cream 4 Chopping boards 2 shallow baking trays Baking paper to line the trays |