Organic Hamburgers
Wednesday, 12 December an organic farmer Aivar Kallas visited our school. Students from
classes 4 and 7 took part of his lecture.
Within the first lesson he introduced the principals of organic farming, showing slides of
different fields, animals, farmers that would illustrate his speaking. He tried to explain to
us the importance of organic farming and why it is healthier and better than usual farming.
He talked about cows and sheep, about feeding them and about their delicious meat which
is the main goal. A few known faces could be recognised in the pictures because they were
taken in Kihelkonna where Aivar lives.
For the next lesson we went to the handicraft class to make organic hamburgers ourselves.
Students were divided into groups so that everything necessary would be done in time. The
first group split and baked the buns, the second one made the sauce and green salad and
the third one put the beef materials on the oven. The beef was made of local lamb and was
cut out of big meatballs into slices. The boys group cut the onions. When all the components
were ready we could assemble ourselves our hamburgers. They were delicious. Everyone
made the burger just like they wanted to. We drank apple juice and organic milk. Though it
was a bit too early in the morning everyone wasn´t ready to eat such a burger.
After the meal we were all full. We also had learned a lot about organic farming. Those two
hours had been very amusing. We think that we learned so much within those lessons.
Kevin, Märt, Kristel, Ketlin