Laulasmaa SPA peakokk Angelica Udeküll juhtimisel ja juhendamisel.
Salatite degusteerimise tulemused:
1. koht Nuikapsa- Õunasalat 419 punkti
2. koht Hapukapsasalat 343 punkti
3. koht Pastinaagi- pirnisalat 319 punkti
4. koht Kikerhernesalat 306 punkti
5. koht Röstitud ahjupeedisalat 263...
A Meeting at Ranna Villa
On 10 January, 2013 students from classes 4 and 7 took part in a trip to Ranna Villa organic farm under the leadership of Aivar Kallas. The point of the visit was to see some Scottish Highland cattle and to hear some thoughts about raising them.
The trip started in...
There were ceremonial Christmas dinners for students and teachers on Wednesday, on the
19th of December, 2012. On that day lunch breaks were longer than usual. As always they
happened in two shifts - the first 1st - 4th grade and then 5th - 9th grade.
4th grade organized the first...
Täna, 12.detsembril, oli meil külas Aivar Kallas. Kuulajaskonnaks ja töötoas osalejateks olid neljandiukud ja seitsmendikud. Osa projektipäevast kuulus akadeemilisemale osale, kus Aivar Kallas rääkis, mida tähendab sõnapaar - maheloomad, näitas pilte erinevatest koduloomadest. Tema mahlakat...
6th December we had a field trip called "Cattle and Milk," within the international project which gave us a day off school. As the first site of the trip we visited the Saaremaa dairy industry, to find out how butter and cheese are made. At the beginning we were shown some rather...